AdSense ads not visible while logged in

I noticed this alert when I was watching a video today at, the message read exactly like this: "To prevent accidental and fraudulent clicks Google AdSense ads are not visible while logged in". Well, this can mean nothing, but can also mean something. Apparently it is a good step taken by authority. But this also means, the good number of members logged into never sees AdSense ads. Only logged out members and visitors from other sources can only see the advertisements from Google.

How can it affect the members? That's a point to really think of.

We, as AdSense publishers, cannot click on our own ad units. But, we can click on others' ad units if the ad turns out to be interesting enough. Right? But in, if I am logged in and checking out someone else's page, I won't see his/her ads.

By this policy, the good number of members' page impressions are lost for the publisher. The advertiser also looses page impressions for his/her ads. Automatically, chances of clicks on the ads are lowered at this very policy itself. Off course, a considerable amount of business is lost.

By Google's AdSense policy, the ad code must be on the page and visible to web visitors. Nowhere did Google ever say that you cannot view your own ads. So, actually intervenes over this Google policy and hides ads from logged in users. This results into loss of business for the advertisers, the publisher and yes, also for Google as well. was registered in 2006. Its only early 2011 now. Within these four years, has progressed so far that they implemented this show-no-ads-to-logged-users policy? Or did they want to act over-smart on this issue?

So far as I have tried to look into popular users of Flixya, I could not find a pleasant profile yet. Are people having any success with Flixya? Or, the entire story is a fairytale for the unsuspecting newbies?

What's your opinion about Are you a member there?


Pankaj Gupta said...

See, It depends on website whether they want to allow users to see the ads or not. Your one accidental click on your own ad will become more loss for the website and you and it will be more than the loss you talking about in the above post. So, this is a good way to avoid fraud clicks and money too.

Pankaj Gupta

Jayasri Biswas said...

@Pankaj: I don't know for how long you're blogging, but you need to understand that commenting on other blogs with "Admin" name is misleading for other people. So please consider this or else people will mistake you to be admin of other blogs which aren't yours. As a blogger it is against all norms to comment as "Admin" in blogs other than yours.