Citizen journalism websites are dying, but why?

Today, when I was searching through Google results about citizen journalism websites and blogs, I noticed many of them are not existing anymore. I was wondering what could have been the reasons behind vanishing of some citizen journalism websites. Do you have any idea?

While I could not find out the exact reasons, I have some guesses.

The very first probability is, some web enthusiast created it, then continued for a while. Maybe some people joined, mostly all readers and not many writers. Eventually, not much web traffic flowing in, thus scarcity of monetizing hopes. This led to closure of the effort.

Do you agree?

Ok, here's the next probable cause: take a look at the reputed people's voice sort of web sites. Who and how many are writing? Truthfully, these sites have become the den of some high collar self-proclaimed professional bloggers. Some pockets have formed in some countries, hardly 2 or 3 from each region is writing.

If you look at, one region is translating same things into languages of another region because every region doesn't have daily stories to write. If this is happening to type of reputed webs, then imagine the frustration of other less reputed webs.

I used to write for one such site, one that was in the front runner category; right now I cannot even remember the name of that site! Its so out of my mind now. Many good writers left the site. Me too. Why? Because some westerners were trying to become big brothers who were bashing and thrashing bloggers from the eastern world. So, in one way, people's voice was being suppressed in a speak-out kind of media site.