Initiating my first weblog today!

I don't spend much time in the Internet, but as much as I do, I try to enjoy the time. And that doesn't mean only chatting, Facebook time pass, Tweeting or watching videos in YouTube. I love to read. Primarily news stories from around the world. I love to read people's blogs.

Nowadays people are crazy about earning money online. Well, I've never tried that. If I ever manage to earn some bucks from my online activities, then I also have a wish list of how to spend that money. No, not buying luxury items or electronic gadgets.

My wish list is a bit different. I'd contribute my entire online earning (if any) to the poor and orphan children. Those who want to study, I'll pay for their school fees and books. I'll try and arrange basic medical treatment to those poor & orphan children who are sick. Same for the helpless animals. If I can support one child and one animal, I'd consider myself as very lucky to be chosen by God to do that duty.

By the way, do you have a blog? I'll visit yours!